2020 August

Red-Tailed Hawk

Beautiful visit at sunrise. Unexpected to stay very close from me perched on that wooden fence. Montreal Aug16, 2020 Life expectancy: 25 yrs Weight: 908 – 1,725 g Body size: 45 – 60 cm Wingspan: 105 – 141 cm Flight speed: 32 – 64 km/h Food: small rodents 500mm f/5.6 1.1250 iso 1600

Northern Cardinal

My favorite backyard model. For over 5 years I have been feeding this beautiful red male. Even saved his life once! I love this picture with his crest in the wind. Montreal Feb 21, 2020 410mm 1/200 f/8 iso 800 Life expectancy: 15 yrs Weight: 34 – 65 g Body size: 21 – 23.5 cm . . .

American Redstart

Here is another lifer for me. May 20th, 2019 I was blessed with the perfect light with this lovely female posing for me in the thick wood. Fortunately, the sun pierced the trees to give me a beautiful image. Montreal May 20, 2019 500mm 1/500 f/5.6 iso 320

Wilson’s Warbler

Found in a little cascade in a park, this beautiful Wilson’s Warbler was my first time photographing it. I was lucky to have a nice decent shot with some good details. Such a good experience. Montreal May 20, 2019 500mm 1/640 f/5.6 iso 400

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